Superfood, supplements, and more for increase energy and vitality
Natural botanical products to help increase energy and vitality, improve strength, and boost physical performance.

JAR OF 17.63OZ / 500G


JAR OF 8.75OZ / 250G

BAGS OF 3.5OZ / 100G

BAGS OF 1LB / 454G

BAGS OF 1LB / 454G

BAGS OF 1LB / 454G

BAGS OF 10.58OZ / 300G

BAGS OF 1LB / 454G
The natural products* in this section are used in traditional medicine:
✓ To help boost energy naturally,
✓ To help improve strength and vigor,
✓ As a natural source of protein, amino acids and antioxidants,
✓ And some of these products* may also have other benefits such as helping to enhance workout routines.
Our products are 100% natural, carefully selected and we are proud to be HACCP, GMP & GSP certified.
What Does it Mean to be HACCP Certified?
This is a management system which is preventative and aimed at reducing the risk of safety hazards in the food industry.
Food safety is important to the team at Hanan Peruvian Secrets. We are committed to provide customers the highest quality of products.
*These botanical products can be used as a natural nutritional aid and are not intended to replace conventional medicine or your physician prescription.